Why Qualify As An Accountant?

Need some extra motivation to keep studying? Check out our motivational goals below.

When you are deep into study and working full-time, you might question your life choices. Why am I doing this?

It’s helpful at times like this to remember your end goal. What motivated you to study to be an accountant in the first place?

Here are a few ideas:

Earning potential

  • Once qualified, your salary will jump up!

  • 2-4 years, you could expect to earn around £45-60k

  • After five years of experience, a senior accountant's salary can be around £70-90k

Career opportunities

  • Accountants can work in ANY industry

  • Not all accountants are accountants (IYKYK)

  • Accountants can be business consultants, tax advisors, internal auditors, external auditors, business leaders

Business knowledge

  • Accountancy isn’t ‘just’ numbers and accounts

  • It’s business strategy, financial management, law, tax, assurance

Prestige for life

  • (as long as you do your CPD and remain ethical)

  • It’s one of the most respected qualifications

  • The rigour of the qualification is well known

  • As well as the quality of training alongside it

Although the period of working and studying isn’t easy, it is more than worth it. And this is a professional qualification which will be with you forever!

Keep going, you can do this!


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