5 Tips: How To Pass Your Accountancy Exams

A few little reminders for exam day.

  1. Stick to your time plan

    Have a time plan which tells you how long to spend on each section of the exam and even each question.

    Stick to this plan - even if it means not finishing an answer. Better to gain the easy marks on the next question than struggle to gain the tricky marks on the current one.

  2. Stay calm

    Try box breathing:

    In for 4, hold for 4, out for 4, hold for 4.

    It activates your parasympathetic nervous system allowing you to think, remain calmer and reduce the flight/fight response.

  3. If open book, know where everything is

    Really get to know your files and open books. use highlighters, sticky tabs, make notes (if allowed - check with awarding body).

    Knowing your file will save you much needed time in the exam.

  4. Remember your exam technique

    This includes planning long-form answers. You might think it wastes time, but actually it makes you much more focussed and efficient when answering the question.

    Read the question twice - the second time is for real understanding.

  5. Have confidence and self belief

    Confidence is half the battle - believe you will pass. If you’ve worked hard, have completed all the mock exams and are scoring well when practicing questions, there is no reason why you won’t pass.



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