ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) - 13 exams. Awarding body is the ACCA.


  • 3 exams

    3 hours each

  • 6 exams

    3 hours each

  • 4 exams (2 essential and 2 options)

    Around 3 hours each

Along with the exams you will need to complete an ethics and professional skills module and at least 36 months of relevant work experience.

Applied Knowledge.

There are 3 Applied Knowledge exams. Each is around 3 hours. These can be sat in March, June, September or December (or all year round via the British Council). They are computer-based exams and can be sat remotely or at a centre. These exams give you a broad foundation in finance and accounting. After completing these exams you have achieved an ACCA Diploma in Accounting and Business (woop!).

Business and Technology (BT).

  • the purpose and types of businesses, and their interactions with stakeholders;

  • the business organisation structure, functions and the role of corporate governance;

  • the function of accountancy and audit;

  • the principles of authority, leadership and team management;

  • why upholding professional ethics and professional values in business is important.

    Key topic areas to cover :

    • The business organisation and its external environment

    • Organisational structure, culture, governance and sustainability

    • Business functions, regulation and technology

    • Leadership and management

    • Personal effectiveness and communication in business

    • Professional ethics

Financial Accounting (FA).

  • double-entry and accounting systems;

  • how to record, process and report business transactions;

  • the context and purpose of financial reporting;

  • qualitative characteristics of financial information;

  • how to prepare a trial balance;

  • how to prepare basic financial statements for incorporated and unincorporated entities;

  • how to prepare simple consolidated financial statements;

  • how to interpret financial statements.

    Key topic areas to cover :

    • The context and purpose of financial reporting

    • Accounting principles, concepts and qualitative characteristics

    • The use of double-entry and accounting systems

    • Recording transactions and events

    • Reconciliations

    • Preparing a trial balance

    • Preparing financial statements

    • Preparing basic consolidated financial statements 

    • Interpretation of financial statements

Management Accounting (MA).

  • the nature, source and purpose of management information;

  • cost accounting techniques;

  • budgets for planning and control;

  • comparisons and analysis of variances;

  • performance measurement and monitoring of business performance.

    Key topic areas to cover :

    • The nature, source and purpose of management information

    • Data analysis and statistical techniques

    • Cost accounting techniques

    • Budgeting

    • Standard costing

    • Performance measurement 

Applied Skills.

There are 6 Applied Skills exams. Each is around 3 hours. These can be sat in March, June, September or December (or all year round via the British Council). They are computer-based exams and can be sat remotely or at a centre. These exams build on your existing knowledge and develop practical finance skills. After completing these exams and Applied Knowledge exams, you have achieved the Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Business (yay!).

Corporate and Business Law (LW).

  • students will develop knowledge and skills in the understanding of the general legal framework, and of specific legal areas relating to business.

    Key topic areas to cover (ENG):

    • Essential elements of the legal system

    • The law of obligations

    • Employment law

    • The formation and constitution of business organisations

    • Capital and the financing of companies

    • Management, administration and the regulation of companies

    • Insolvency law

    • Corporate fraudulent and criminal behaviour

Financial Reporting (FR).

  • conceptual and regulatory frameworks for financial reporting;

  • account for transactions in accordance with international accounting standards;

  • financial statements;

  • prepare and present financial statements for single entities and business combinations in accordance with international accounting standards.

    Key topic areas to cover :

    •  The conceptual and regulatory framework for financial reporting

    • Accounting for transactions in financial statements

    • Analysing and interpreting the financial statements of single entities and groups

    • Preparation of financial statements

    • Employability and technology skills

Audit and Assurance (AA).

  • audit and assurance and the functions of audit, corporate governance, including ethics and professional conduct;

  • audit engagements, the risk of material misstatement (whether arising from fraud or other irregularities) and plans an audit of financial statements;

  • internal controls, techniques and audit tests, including IT systems to identify and communicate control risks and their potential consequences;

  • objectives of audit engagements and the application of the International Standards on Auditing (ISAs);

  • subsequent events and the going concern principle, written representations and the final review and report.

    Key topic areas to cover :

    •  Audit framework and regulation

    • Planning and risk assessment

    • Internal control

    • Audit evidence

    • Review and reporting

    • Employability and technology skills

Taxation (TX).

  • students will develop knowledge and skills relating to the tax system as applicable to individuals, single companies and groups of companies.

    Key topic areas to cover (UK):

    • The UK tax system and its administration

    • Income tax and NIC liabilities

    • Chargeable gains for individuals

    • Inheritance tax

    • Corporation tax liabilities

    • Value added tax (VAT)

    • Employability and technology skills

Performance Management (PM).

  • cost accounting techniques;

  • decision-making techniques to facilitate business decisions, effective use of scarce business resources, controlling those risk;

  • budgeting techniques and methods for planning and control and standard costing systems to measure and control business performance;

  • performance management information and measurement systems, performance of an organisation from both a financial and non-financial viewpoint, controlling divisionalised businesses.

    Key topic areas to cover :

    • Management information systems and data analytics

    • Specialist cost and management accounting techniques

    • Decision-making techniques

    • Budgeting and control

    • Performance measurement and control

    • Employability and technology skills

Financial Management (FM).

  • financial management function;

  • the economic environment on financial management;

  • working capital management techniques;

  • effective investment appraisal;

  • alternative sources of business finance;

  • principles of business and asset valuations;

  • risk management techniques.

    Key topic areas to cover :

    • Financial management function

    • Financial management environment

    • Working capital management

    • Investment appraisal

    • Business finance

    • Business valuations

    • Risk management

    • Employability and technology skills

Strategic Professional.

There are 2 Essential Strategic Professional exams and 2 that are Options (you can choose the 2 that best suit your future career aspirations). Each is around 3 hours. These can be sat in March, June, September or December (or all year round via the British Council). They are computer-based exams and can be sat remotely or at a centre. You will become an ACCA member (WOOHOO what an achievement!)!

Strategic Business Reporting (SBR) - essential exam.

  • ethical and professional principles and the consequences of unethical behaviour;

  • financial reporting framework and changes in accounting regulation;

  • the reporting of the financial performance of a range of entities;

  • prepare financial statements;

  • the meaning of financial statements that include non-financial data;

  • the impact of changes in accounting regulation on financial reporting.

    Key topic areas to cover (INT):

    • Fundamental ethical and professional principles

    • The financial reporting framework

    • Reporting the financial performance of a range of entities

    • Financial statements of groups of entities

    • Interpret financial statements for different stakeholders

    • The impact of changes and potential changes in accounting regulation

    • Employability and technology skills

Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA).

  • students will analyse, evaluate and conclude on the assurance engagement and other audit and assurance issues in the context of best practice and current developments.

    Key topic areas to cover :

    • Regulatory Environment

    • Professional and Ethical Considerations

    • Quality Management and Practice Management

    • Planning and conducting an audit of historical financial information

    • Completion, review, and reporting

    • Other assignments

    • Current Issues and Developments 

    • Professional skills

    • Employability and technology skills

Strategic Business Leader (SBL) - essential exam.

  • using an innovative case study, students will demonstrate the right blend of technical, ethical and professional skills in the evaluation, synthesis and presentations of responses.

    Key topic areas to cover :

    • Leadership

    • Governance

    • Strategy

    • Risk

    • Technology and data analytics

    • Organisational control and audit

    • Finance in planning and decision-making

    • Enabling success and change management

    • Professional skills

    • Other employability and digital skills

Advanced Taxation (ATX).

  • students will provide relevant information and advice to individuals and businesses;

  • applying relevant knowledge and skills;

  • exercising professional judgment.

    Key topic areas to cover (UK):

    • Knowledge and understanding of the UK tax system through the study of more advanced topics within the taxes studied previously and the study of stamp taxes

    • The impact of relevant taxes on various situations and courses of action, including the interaction of taxes

    • Minimising and/or deferring tax liabilities by the use of standard tax planning measures

    • Professional skills

Advanced Financial Management (AFM).

  • role and responsibility of the senior financial executive and recognise the role of international financial institutions in the financial management of multinationals;

  • evaluate potential investment decisions and financial and strategic consequences;

  • acquisitions and mergers as an alternative growth strategy;

  • alternative corporate re-organisation strategies;

  • alternative advanced treasury and risk management techniques.

    Key topic areas to cover :

    • Role of senior financial adviser in the multinational organisation

    • Advanced investment appraisal

    • Acquisitions and mergers

    • Corporate reconstruction and reorganisation

    • Treasury and advanced risk management techniques

    • Professional skills

    • Employability and technology skills

Advanced Performance Management (APM).

  • strategic planning and control models;

  • external influences on organisational performance;

  • design features of effective performance management information and monitoring systems;

  • strategic performance measurement techniques;

  • strategic business performance evaluation and recognising vulnerability to corporate failure.

    Key topic areas to cover :

    • Strategic planning and control

    • Performance management information systems and developments in technology

    • Strategic performance measurement

    • Performance evaluation

    • Professional skills

    • Employability and technology skills

This information and more can be found on the ACCA website