Corporate membership to Accountancy Hub.

Do your trainees need extra support? Are you struggling to retain your trainees? How is the wellbeing of your trainees?

Accountancy Hub offers corporate membership to enable you to support your trainees both technically with their exams but also from a wellbeing, inclusion and community perspective. We will support them to thrive in any way we can.

Exams are only half the story. We want to enable your trainees to thrive in their careers.

At Accountancy Hub we have a directory of coaches and mentors who can support your trainees to perform at their very best. We also provide a host of free webinars to our members around the topics of wellbeing, workplace challenges and professional skills development (for example BD, leading and chairing meetings, managing others).

Wellbeing Discounts ~ Coaching & Mentoring ~ Careers ~ Webinars ~ Inclusion Advice ~ Community Forum ~ Email Support ~ Articles

Wellbeing Discounts ~ Coaching & Mentoring ~ Careers ~ Webinars ~ Inclusion Advice ~ Community Forum ~ Email Support ~ Articles

Contact us about corporate membership.