Very easy, very yummy recipes for study days

5 easy recipes for the weeks leading up to exams.

At Accountancy Hub, we understand that eating healthily during an accountancy apprenticeship can be challenging, especially in the weeks leading up to exams.

Here are our go-to easy recipes to prevent you from ordering ANOTHER takeaway. You mind, body and bank account will thank you for it :D.

  1. Spaghetti with chilli and lemon

  • Cook your spaghetti in boiling water with a big pinch of salt

  • Meanwhile, in a frying pan, fry off some garlic and some finely chopped fresh chilli

  • Chop up a hand-full of parsley

  • When the spaghetti is cooked, drain but reserve some of the cooking water

  • Add the spaghetti to the frying pan, with some of the reserved water, a big squeeze of lemon juice and the parsley

  • Stir to combine and add some parmesan, black pepper, chilli flakes and salt to taste

2. Baked potato with topping of your choice

  • Pre-heat the oven to 200 C (Fan)

  • Rub your baked potato in olive oil and lots of salt

  • Cook in the oven for 20 minutes, then turn the heat down to 180 C (fan) for another 30-40 minutes

  • When your potato is cooked and fluffy inside, add baked beans, bacon, cheese, butter, tuna or anything you like!

  • Add a little salad on the side

3. Puy lentil pasta

  • Cook your pasta in boiling water with a big pinch of salt

  • Meanwhile in a frying pan, fry some onion and garlic in oil

  • Add a tin or pack of puy lentils to the pan with a little water (we love the Merchant Gourmet packs!)

  • Add some spinach

  • Drain your pasta and mix it into the frying pan ingredients!

4. Thai-green curry

  • Boil some basmati rice in a pan with lots of salt

  • In a frying pan, add some oil and meat and/or vegetables of your choice (chicken, mangetout, red pepper, onion perhaps)

  • Add a some thai-green curry paste (or red if you prefer)

  • Mix in, fry for a minute, then add coconut milk

  • Simmer for 10 minutes or until the meat and veg is cooked through

  • Add some spinach and service with your rice!

5. Halloumi salad

  • Chop your halloumi into 1cm slices

  • Fry your halloumi in a hot pan with olive oil, then turn the heat to medium

  • Sprinkle some oregano on top and maybe some chilli flakes or powder (if you like some spice)

  • Whilst the cheese is cooking, assemble a salad of your choice (we like some Little gem lettuce, red peppers, cherry tomatoes and french dressing)

  • Once your halloumi is golden brown on both sides, add to the salad and serve

Batch cooking is a great way to reduce your cooking time! Some great meals to batch cook and keep in the fridge/freezer include:

  • Chillis (beef or veggie)

  • Bolognese sauce (beef or Quorn)

  • Soups

  • Stews

Happy cooking everyone!


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