Exams Are Over. What Now?

Are you feeling tired or overwhelmed now exams are over? Don’t worry, that’s completely normal!

When your exams are over, you might not feel as elated as you thought you would. You might even feel:

  • A bit lost and without direction

  • Tired and lacking in energy

  • Overwhelmed

  • Worried about the results

  • Deflated

  • Not sure what to do with your free time

Here are a few things you might want to try to get yourself back on track:

  • Go to bed early and maximise sleep

  • Think about what you enjoyed before studying took over - cooking, gigs, sports, running, writing, gaming etc

  • Spend time with friends or family

  • Give yourself permission to veg-out

  • Remember - no amout of worrying about results will change the outcome!

It can sometimes take a bit of adjustment to go from high-levels of stress and a high workload to less work and low levels of stress.

Be kind to yourself, take it easy and enjoy this time off from exams as much as you can!

If you need any exam, inclusion, career or wellbeing support, you can contact us below!


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