5 Tips: The Final Week Before Your Accountancy Exams

You can do this!

Look after yourself, do question practice to time and using the exam software and take regular breaks.

This is the final push now. 1 week to go and you might be feeling anxious, stressed or perhaps you are feeling confident and happy with your progress. Whatever you are feeling, here are our top tips for making the most of your final week of studying.

  1. Question practice: Focus on completing mock exams under exam conditions (aka to time and using the software). Spend time marking questions then going over weaker areas of the syllabus. Don’t skip over the marking, this is the most important bit!

  2. Wellbeing: Stay hydrated, eat well (fruit & veg) and try to do some exercise. Accountancy Hub offers discounts on food delivery and meal prep services, as well as exercise classes, for this very purpose!

  3. Positive thinking: Imagine opening the email or text with the result you want - a pass! 50% of these exams are confidence in your abilities. If you’ve done the work and are getting good marks on the timed mocks, you’ve got this!

  4. Set boundaries: Tell your colleagues, family, friends, flatmates, next door’s cat that you have exams coming up and need to focus right now. Turn your phone off and put it in another room - when you have a break you can come back to it.

  5. Take regular breaks: Ensure you are taking breaks from your desk. Do a walk around the block, listen to a podcast, watch an episode on TV. Not only will this make your study time more productive but it will give you some mental clarity that exams are not everything - you are still a human and will be after these exams.

Let us know how you’re getting on in the comments.

Wishing you all the luck for a nice exam/s - very soon you will have your life back again!


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