Challenges for Junior Women in the Corporate Workplace

Being junior in an organisation is challenging in different ways for different individuals, however there are some common challenges which women find more difficult than most.

  1. Setting boundaries effectively: If you are junior it is difficult to push back on deadlines, and not say yes to every piece of work that comes your way. This can lead to burnout in the medium-long term. Not being able to say no or negotiate a deadline can mean that you are working too many hours which prevents you focussing on study and those all important accountancy exams.

  2. Picking up the team ‘admin’ and EDI initiatives: Sometimes women feel obligated to arrange team socials, improve inclusion and diversity outcomes and arrange leaving cards/presents for others. Although these actions all contribute positively to workplace culture, they can take time away from client-facing work and are often not as highly regarded when it comes to promotion and pay decisions. Try to find a balance.

  3. Inappropriate behaviour, sexual harassment and assault: Unfortunately this is all too prevalent in the finance industry. If it doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t - tell trusted colleagues, your people manager and HR, if you feel comfortable to.

If you are struggling with any of the items mentioned above, you can contact us at - we are able to provide advice, resources and if we can’t help, we can signpost you to other organisations who can.

The finance industry isn’t where it should be when it comes to gender equity but even small actions can make a huge impact!


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