Nurturing Mental Wellness Through Creativity in Education

By Sondos Bannouri

I am Sondos Bannouri, a Tunisian native and holder of a Ph.D. in Accounting from the Higher Institute of Accounting and Business Administration (ISCAE) at the University of Manouba, in Tunisia. Alongside my academic pursuits, I have cultivated a passion for artistic expression —as a self-taught artist painter— viewing creativity as a catalyst for holistic development.  My journey has been a thrilling intersection of education, humanitarian work, and the corporate world.

In the corridors of Tunis Business School (TBS), a small revolution is underway—one that marries the rigors of academia with the boundless realms of creativity and compassion. Building upon my journey of blending creativity with accounting education, I've embarked on a new quest—one that places mental wellness at the forefront of educational discourse.

Seeding Change

Drawing from my experiences in introducing vibrant illustrations and dynamic end-of-semester projects to enhance student engagement, I encountered a pivotal realization: the need to address the underlying mental health challenges that often go unnoticed within educational settings. As I navigated through the challenges of resistance and skepticism, I found inspiration in the transformative power of creativity.

Concrete Initiatives

One such initiative, inspired by the success of the "Fun Work" project in fostering creativity and critical thinking, was the creation of therapeutic art workshops within the university community. Collaborating with psychologists and therapists, we designed workshops like "Spirit Fest" to provide students with a safe space for self-expression and emotional exploration. By leveraging the healing power of art, we sought to destigmatize conversations surrounding mental health and foster a culture of empathy and understanding.

Real-world Impact

The impact of these initiatives was palpable. Students, once skeptical of the integration of creativity into education, embraced the therapeutic art workshops with open arms. One student, inspired by the "Fun Work" project, channelled their creativity into developing a therapeutic game—the "Fortune Wheel"—which transformed mundane accounting questions into an interactive and engaging experience. Through these tangible examples, the connection between creativity and mental wellness became undeniably clear.

A Holistic Approach

But our journey didn't stop there. Recognizing the interconnected nature of mental wellness and artistic expression, we established the Art Factory TBS club—a vibrant community where students could explore and showcase their creative talents. From painting workshops to music therapy sessions, the club served as a sanctuary for holistic well-being—a testament to the enduring impact of creativity on mental wellness.

Looking Forward

As we chart a course towards a brighter, more inclusive future, our commitment to nurturing mental wellness remains unwavering. By continuing to champion innovation, empathy, and compassion within education, we pave the way for a generation of students who not only excel academically but also thrive emotionally and mentally.


In the tapestry of education, creativity and compassion intertwine to form a rich and vibrant mosaic—one that celebrates the diversity of human experience and nurtures the seeds of resilience and well-being. As we embark on this journey of transformation, let us remember that the true measure of educational success lies not only in the acquisition of knowledge but also in the cultivation of empathy, understanding, and compassion. Together, let us sow the seeds of change and cultivate a brighter, more compassionate future for all.

With over a decade of experience in higher education, I have honed my skills as an educator, specializing in a range of Accounting and Finance courses. Since 2016, I have been an active member of the faculty at Tunis Business School (TBS), a prominent public institution in Tunisia renowned for its adoption of the US higher education system. Here, I impart knowledge in Accounting and Finance to undergraduate students while also contributing to the Master of Management of NGOs program, showcasing my commitment to social impact and community development.


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