At Accountancy Hub we understand that accountants are human too. We have all the resources you need to succeed in your exams and in your career, all in one place.

  • Our Mission.

    Accountancy Hub (and Human Too Limited, the company behind Accountancy Hub) is on a mission to holistically support trainees through accountancy exams and beyond; ensuring their wellbeing, health and technical skills are as good as possible for success. We want to contribute to an inclusive and welcoming finance industry.

  • Our Values.

    Inclusivity, Curiosity, Ambition, Kindness

    Find out what they mean to us


  • Inclusivity.

    Equality of opportunity is important to us. We understand that diverse organisations are innovative and profitable, but also that having an industry made up of the same sorts of people with the same sorts of backgrounds is a risky strategy in a constantly evolving economic and political environment. At Accountancy Hub we want to ensure the finance industry is welcoming to all, and we’ll do our best to support you to succeed in your goals.

  • Curiosity.

    At Accountancy Hub we are people people (and cat people). We are curious about industry, organisational and individual challenges in an effort to form suggestions and solutions.

  • Ambition.

    Becoming an accountant is all about ambition and perseverance. We encourage trainees to maintain sight of their end goals, and if those goals change, we will support you to change direction as well. Accountancy Hub has a small ambition to change how the finance industry operates - thanks for supporting us in our journey!

  • Kindness.

    Sounds simple, but it is a conscious decision that we are constantly mindful of at Accountancy Hub. We also want to ensure trainee accountants are kind to themselves because becoming a qualified accountant isn’t an easy journey and you will need to be mentally resilient.

Failed an exam? We’re here for you.

We have practical advice in our members area to support you with exam failures and planning resits for best possible success.

If you have failed an accountancy exam, we offer a FREE 30 minute consultation to discuss your options, a resit strategy and support you with any difficult workplace conversations.

Deborah Harris FCA

Fellow and Council member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), experienced non executive board member and consultant:

“Accountancy Hub services are exactly what the modern day finance industry needs; offering practical and responsive support that meets trainees where they are to effectively navigate their studies and career journey.”

ACA Certificate Level Apprentice:

“Thank you so much to Accountancy Hub for supporting me for my resit for BTF. At my first attempt I was only a mark off and felt disheartened, I reached out to Hannah who reassured me that I will pass on my second attempt and scheduled coaching calls . About two weeks ago, I sat my resit and achieved a strong pass in the 70’s. I would not have been able to do this without the support of Hannah. If anyone is looking for additional support with the ACA I can assure you Hannah will be able to help you achieve a strong pass through her coaching!”

Subscribe to get full access to the community, including exclusive content & discounts, for only £4.99 a month (less than a takeaway coffee a week)!

Sign up to annual membership and get a month free!

Every month
Every year

Get anytime access to our community forum, job board, apprenticeship templates, webinars, inclusion and wellbeing support and our growing collection of exclusive content. Cancel at any time!

✓ Community forum to chat to other accountants across the UK
✓ Health & Wellbeing page with exclusive discounts
✓ 80% discount on a WorkLife Central subscription
✓ Exclusive insights articles

Why are we asking for you to pay for Accountancy Hub?

Well, this website has been developed by former trainee accountants for current trainee accountants and we want accountancy trainees to be involved, have ownership and be invested in the continued development of the platform.

Your investment will allow us to expand the website, listen to your feedback, act on it, and allow us to provide the best possible service.

Below are some of the brands we have partnered with so we can provide incredible discounts to you, our members!

Accountancy Hub is here to support individuals and businesses.

  • Hello accountancy trainees! You can sign up as a member below and pay monthly or annually. You can cancel at anytime.

    Why not ask your company if they’ll pay for your membership?

  • Want to better support your trainees with their exam techniques, careers and wellbeing?

    With corporate membership, businesses can pay for their trainees to access Accountancy Hub’s exclusive content, articles, wellbeing discounts, coaching and mentoring directory….and more.

    See our corporate membership page for more details.

  • Why not give your friend, colleague or family member the gift of community, support, wellbeing and inclusion to make those exams a little bit more manageable? Buy them a gift card for a year’s membership to Accountancy Hub.

About Accountancy Hub.

Our Founder talks about why she developed Accountancy Hub and some of the main benefits to you, our members.


Come along to webinars on topics relating to wellbeing, study techniques, stress reduction, inclusion and workplace skills (such as business development training or leading meetings with confidence).

Upcoming Webinars.

Negotiation Skills: How To Successfully Ask For A Pay Rise

Venue: Online webinar (Zoom)

Date: 24th June 2024 at 6pm

Previous Webinars.

Success Strategies: Mastering Mindset & Technique to Ace your Accountancy Exams

Catch up on the Accountancy Hub Membersite or purchase access to the growing webinar library-only here.

Studying the ACA (ICAEW), CIPFA, CIMA, AAT, ATT or ACCA? We have your back.

From wellbeing resources, to support for neurodivergent students, jobs, coaching & mentoring, private tuition, to bringing trainee accountants together across the world…we have everything you need to succeed in style.


Why has Accountancy Hub been developed? Who developed it? All will be revealed here. Human Too Limited, the company behind Accountancy Hub, also offer consultancy services to organisations.


Full breakdown of the ACA, CIMA, ACCA, CIPFA, ATT and AAT exams as well as top tips and key areas to focus on.

Corporate Membership

Are you a business who is struggling to retain your trainees? Do they need more support? Contact us to find out how we can support your trainees both technically in their exams and more broadly in their careers.

Consultancy Services

Human Too Limited (the company behind Accountancy Hub) are inclusion specialists who support organisations with their EDI, culture and Early Careers challenges and goals. Check out our services here!


Hear from industry leaders, qualified accountants, coaches and education professionals about how they’ve ‘stayed human’ during challenging times in their careers. After all, accountants are human too.


Take a look at our growing library of articles and blogs on the topics of inclusion, coaching, wellbeing, industry news, exam technique and careers.

The following content can be accessed once you become a member of the Accountancy Hub community!

Coaching & Mentoring

Useful tips to help you find your perfect coach or mentor. We’ve selected a few you may want to try!

Community Forum

Start a discussion with accountancy students across the UK and beyond. Want to chat about a particular exam? Have any good studying or wellbeing tips? Got a great podcast to share?

Exam Failure

Read our strategic steps to becoming confident and ready for your resit. You can also book a FREE 30 minute consultation with us for advice.


If you’re studying under an apprenticeship, accountancy is more than exams. Here we provide templates and information to track your PWE/PER, training, ethics and more.


Inclusivity is at the heart of Accountancy Hub. YOU are the future of the finance industry and we want to ensure that everyone, regardless of background, has the best chance of succeeding in the exams. Find advice about what to do if you’ve failed an exam here.


Job adverts for recently qualified ACA, CIPFA, CIMA, ATT, AAT and ACCA accountants. You won’t just find finance roles here but all types of roles that value accountants.

Private Tuition

We have hand-picked the best ACA, CIMA & ACCA private tutors. Find out which one is most suitable for your learning style and needs.

Health & Wellbeing

Help and advice for managing your health and wellbeing. We’ve partnered with exciting wellbeing and lifestyle brands to offer special discounts to our members!


As a member of Accountancy Hub you have access to a growing library of webinars on topics including ‘exam technique and mindset’ and ‘how breathwork can supercharge your accountancy revision’.

Here is our Founder - find out more about her and why we’ve developed Accountancy Hub on our About page

Throw on a jumper (UK weather), light a candle, get those books out, grab a highlighter pen and listen to our Spring Playlist….easy listening whilst you study.

Gift card


Gift card 〰️

Gift Card - 12 months

Gift your loved ones 12 months of access to Accountancy Hub! What could be better than the gift of community, support and wellbeing eh?

Add To Cart

Need help or advice? Drop us a message. We aim to reply within 72 hours. No query is too small.